Thursday, December 5, 2013

Truly Inspired ...

Something was spoken at church recently, that truly encouraged and inspired me. I don't remember exactly how it was worded, but I remember the example that was used.

It was said how "God has a decree over the oceans and the seas of this world. Though they toss to and fro, and though they "rush" towards the banks of the earth, these strong waters still can ONLY travel as far as God will ALLOW them to."

This example, was applied to daily living in the same way. Reminding us of how God will put no more on us than we can bear. When the weight of trials, and tribulations, "rush" into our lives, tossing us emotionally to and fro. We can still rest assure that this too shall pass. For God has the power to "Intervene" and burdens will have NO CHOICE but to cease. Giving us rest, and peace in our spirit! In Jesus Name, Amen!


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