Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Year 2014...

If it's the Lords will, tomorrow will be the year 2014, and as I reflect back. I'm actually surprised at how fast 2013 came and went, but my family and I was blessed to get a lot accomplished this year,

that we felt was right on time and in the will of God. I am excited, and looking forward to an even greater year ahead, for all of us that are still alive, and expecting great things to happen, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!
~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Monday, December 30, 2013

Pom Pom Flower Vase...

Earlier this weekend I was in the crafting mood, and decided to recycle one of my empty coffee, creamer, containers. As you can see in my picture. I made a flower vase using colorful, premade, pom poms, glue, and the empty creamer container that I mentioned above.

It took about thirty minutes or so to assemble and complete the whole project. I think it turned out to be pretty cute, and can also be used as a pencil holder as well,

if you unscrew the lid off, but for this particular craft I kept mines on, to help hold my flowers in place!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Yield To God's Will...

Many times in our lives we can find ourselves forcing situations, and ideas to go the way that we thought would have been best. That's when things will began to fall apart or not work, but as we yield to doing it God's way completely.

We will then find that we are able to reach his goal, purpose, and destiny for our lives, which is more greater than any plan that we could have come up with. God always knows what is best for us. He created us and this life that we live. We did not create him, or the world around us!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Friday, December 27, 2013

Rubber Band Bracelets...

Our oldest daughter now has a new interest in making the well known rubber band bracelet.

She has gotten really good at it, and has been making these bracelets off and on for the past month with friends at school, and then for family members since she received her own kits.

I wonder what kind of new, rubber band fun, will they come up with next. It was not long ago that it was silly bands that were popular!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Earache Home Remedy...

My household has had our share of painful earaches, especially around three or four o'clock in the morning. When the pain seems to have gotten worse, and the doctor's office is closed.

I then make what I call a homemade "heat compress". Which has been effective, for soothing and stopping our earaches. This is how to make one.

Take a clean, damp, washcloth filled with uncooked rice ( the rice will help "hold" heat longer)tie the rice up in the washcloth the best that you can, and place it in the microwave for about a minute or more as needed, until the cloth becomes "steamy".

Carefully lay the cloth over your ear comfortably without burning yourself, allowing the heat and steam from the washcloth to flow down into your ear, soothing any inflammation and pain.

Once the cloth has become warm, continue to reheat and place it over your ear,until you feel the pain starting to subside.This is what I have found to work for the earaches in my house!

*Note If you don't have rice on hand, you can still go through the same steps using just a folded, dampened, washcloth...

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013...

Today has been a fun filled day spent with family. Remembering our Savior Jesus Christ, and the true meaning of Christmas.

Eating good food, unwrapping gifts, and creating memories, Merry Christmas everybody !

~ The Wilson Family @BlessedDirection.Com

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Thankfulness Love Joy...

While wrapping gifts, singing songs, and preparing to bake some brownies,those feelings of thankfulness, love, and joy seems to fill the air, as we anticipate celebrating the birthday of our Lord and Savior. Christmas day is almost here!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Monday, December 23, 2013

Comfort Joy Peace...

Sitting and thinking about all of us who have our family, and friends to enjoy the holidays with, and how truly blessed we really are.

Also Keeping in mind to pray for the comfort, Joy, and Peace, of those whose loved ones may have recently passed away, or they don't have family to enjoy this time of year with.

In our household they will not be forgotten, and will be in our hearts and prayers!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Stay Encouraged...

In these times of great uncertainty, one thing that I personally know to be true is. When we block out all outside noise (distractions) from our lives, and only focus on the Holy, Pure,and righteous word of God.

It is then that we will find great peace ... the kind of peace that surpasses all understanding,

that can only be found in God's Holy word, and that will always bring ultimate certainty into our lives. For those that can identify with this post. I say to you, stay encouraged my friend. Wherever you may be in the world.

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

~Patrick~ @BlessedDirection.com

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Pecan Cookie Recipe...

We were given a bag filled with pecans today, and I was looking for a simple, cookie dough recipe for them. I think I found it,

after a few, settle, changes of my own, I'll be on my way. I enjoy those cookie recipes that have very few ingredients, and a very short prep and cook time!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Friday, December 20, 2013

Beautiful Vocal Range...

We attended our oldest daughter's Gospel choir performance this week, and really enjoyed it.

The kids did a great job, and had very beautiful vocal range. It sounded like they actually did put in a lot of practice.Their voices blended very well!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Making Paper Snowflakes...

After finding a good video tutorial on Youtube. I was able to refresh my memory of how to fold, cut, and make paper snow flakes. My Children and I enjoyed decorating our walls with these last year, and have started making more today,to add to our Christmas Decor!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An Effective Prayer Life...

Tonight's bible study was about having an effective prayer life. The importance of spending quiet time alone, with God during your prayers.

Praying for others, being specific about what you are praying for. The effects of having sin in your life, causing a divide between you and God,

and how critical it is to repent and get rid of sin from your life, before you expect God to hear your prayers and move on your behalf.

proverbs 15:8 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord: but the prayer of the upright is his delight.

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Saturday Was The Day...

Saturday was the day that Frankie came out of his cocoon! We all were just looking at his jar hours earlier while he was still inside, then a little later, our oldest son noticed that he had finally come out.

As you can see in the pictures below Frankie was a gray caterpillar,then changed into what appears to be an off white moth (part of the butterfly family) with small black spots. Then it was time to say goodbye, we let him back outside, so long Frankie!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Monday, December 16, 2013

Celebrating Thirteen Years...

Today is a very special day, our 13th wedding anniversary! It feels awesome, and is such a blessing in this day and age, to be able to say that we are still married, still happy, and looking forward to many, many more!

Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

~Patrick & Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dealing With Temptation...

This Sunday's bible study was about being tempted. How Satan will come to you, trying to get you to fall into temptation, and how you will be able to withstand it by rebuking him, just as our savior Jesus Christ did.

1 Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. ~KJV Bible~

~Patrick~ @BlessedDirection.com

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Trees for Cars...

Earlier this week I came across an interesting article about a man named Leo Grand, who created a mobile app called "Trees for Cars".

The goal of using this app is to help save the environment, by allowing users to carpool to wherever they need to go!

"Trees for Cars" is now available on googleplay and iTunes for 99 cents, Congratulations Leo!


Friday, December 13, 2013

In Twelve Days...

Today I was thinking, that in 12 days we will be celebrating Christmas. A time in history when unto us, Jesus Christ, our King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, was born!

Also staying mindful that even in the midst of all the celebrating and gift giving this year. We must not forget that the one TRUE gift has ALREADY come, has already been GIVEN, and DWELLS among us!

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

I Have Learned...

The minute that you stop trying to improve yourself,is the moment you will start to die away. This is something that I have learned in life, and something that I refuse to let happen to me.

It's critical that we continue to improve in every area of our lives. Remembering to seek the wisdom of God, always letting him guide us along the way.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Coffee Sugar Cream...

What is it about coffee that we enjoy so much? I drink it often myself, and enjoy having what I call those "perfect measurements" of coffee, sugar, and cream, added to every cup(smiles).

About 12 years ago I never really drank coffee though. I don't even remember asking my parents if I could taste it as a child... (and of course the answer would have been, "NO, you are too young!" (smiles), but now as an adult I enjoy coffee a lot. I guess over time my taste palate changed!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Gospel Choir Performance...

Our oldest daughter will be having her first Gospel choir performance of the year next week. We are so proud of her, after having those after school practices, now us parents will finally get to see,what our children have been up to!

I remember when I was in Gospel choir at school,that seems like only a few years ago... and now I will get to see my child doing the same thing. It's at moments like this, that I realize how old I am (smiles) and how fast time really does fly... WOW!


Monday, December 9, 2013

Brotherhood Breakfast Gathering...

Last weekend I attended a brotherhood breakfast gathering. Where I really enjoyed myself in the Lord.

I received great encouragement from my christian brothers, and our topic for this year was about having "clean" hands, and we also were given the following list of things to keep in mind:

Before you speak...Listen
Before you write...Think
Before you spend...Earn
Before you Invest... Investigate
Before you criticize...Wait
Before you pray...Forgive
Before you quit...Try
Before you retire...Save

~Patrick~ @BlessedDirection.com

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Perfect Example...

This Sunday's Bible study teaching was about the Baptism of Christ. How Jesus provided a perfect example for our salvation,

and how the water Baptism in Jesus name, is an earthly physical reflection of the spiritual Baptism, that one experiences after being filled with the Holy Ghost.

Keeping in mind that in order to enter into the kingdom of God, we must be born of water and of the spirit!

John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Screencast Software...

I have been looking for an easy to use screen capture software, and this week I think I found it. On screencast-o-matic.com, a free account there would give me 15 minutes max recording time,

record screen, the options to publish to YouTube In high definition, and also publish in the following formats MP4, AVI, and FLV movie. I have yet to try it out, but so far it sounds like it's just what I needed!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Friday, December 6, 2013

A Simple Thank You...

Last week I had mentioned a website that I was glad to have found, and felt would be very helpful in getting more exposure as an Indie Gospel artist.

I am still enjoying the site so far (RadioAirplay.com), and wanted to say "Thank You" to those that took the time to listen to and support my music this week.

I thank God for another opportunity, to be a Blessing to others through music!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Truly Inspired ...

Something was spoken at church recently, that truly encouraged and inspired me. I don't remember exactly how it was worded, but I remember the example that was used.

It was said how "God has a decree over the oceans and the seas of this world. Though they toss to and fro, and though they "rush" towards the banks of the earth, these strong waters still can ONLY travel as far as God will ALLOW them to."

This example, was applied to daily living in the same way. Reminding us of how God will put no more on us than we can bear. When the weight of trials, and tribulations, "rush" into our lives, tossing us emotionally to and fro. We can still rest assure that this too shall pass. For God has the power to "Intervene" and burdens will have NO CHOICE but to cease. Giving us rest, and peace in our spirit! In Jesus Name, Amen!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Empty Cereal Boxes...

Having a cabinet overly filled with empty cereal boxes, tells me it's now time for a crafting project.

I have been planning to "make something" with my boxes for the longest, but after finding "my craft channel's" video on YouTube.

I now know just what I want to make. Very cute and simple writing pads,or note pads. With my kids in school and often having homework to do. I know they will enjoy having these on hand!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Harvest Of Blessing...

Today I listened to a message about "seeds" of faith, and how we should continue to plant them in every area of our lives.

Always believing God for what we need, no matter what may come. The thought of finding ourselves in great need, and having not kept our faith in God, would be a terrible situation.

So today I encourage us to keep on planting our seeds of faith, for in due season our harvest of Blessing WILL be great!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Monday, December 2, 2013

Butterfly Transformation...

Yesterday our oldest two children found a caterpillar outside. They
named him Frankie, put him in a jar (with holes in the lid) leaves to eat, some water, and a tall stick to crawl on.

They are so excited about Frankie, and when they got up for school this morning, they saw that he had actually made a cocoon overnight.

Now all of us are curious and looking forward to a possible butterfly transformation!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Way Up Is Down...

The way "up" in this life is found "down" on a servant's level. Living our lives with a "servants" heart.

Walking in humility, helping, and pouring into someone else other than ourselves.

Expecting nothing in return... A Level where true blessing, growth, and happiness is found!

Philippians 2:3
Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Philippians 2:4
Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Last Post Of November 2013...

This is the last post for the month of November, and I wanted to say "thanks" to those that visited our blog this month, read the posts, and supported or had a desire to support, the Music and E-book that's available.

I hope and pray that some of the posts were a blessing to readers spiritually, that some were informational, and maybe even gave some people a smile or two. Thanks for taking the time to visit our blog!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Same God...

Today I was thinking about the importance of developing and keeping a close relationship with God, who NEVER changes. He is the same God of yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever.

We can always find peace, security, and balance in him ALWAYS. No matter how often life, people, and the world around us changes!

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day and for ever. ~KJV~ Bible, Malachi 3:6 For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. ~KJV~ Bible

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving...

Happy Thanksgiving! Today is a time that most of us are celebrating... A time to think, reflect, and be grateful for all that we have both spiritually, and physically.

For God the creator of all things has allowed us to see almost another year, and enjoy another gathering with the ones we love.

Continuous thanks, and praise should be upon our hearts and on our lips... Glorifying God for who he is, and for all that he has done!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Simple Tortilla Recipe...

Earlier last month I posted a video tutorial on the what's cooking page of our website, about how to make simple tortillas from scratch. I first saw a similar recipe on youtube thanks to Rockin Robin's channel.

I decided to try it myself with a few settle changes, and they turned out great! This recipe can be prepared and enjoyed during holiday gatherings, and even after the holidays, giving "new life" to those leftovers!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Doing God's Will...

After praying, searching, and keeping the faith. I feel that God has guided me to the right place, for getting online radio airplay. My latest single "Stretch Your Faith" now has a new radio station "home". The website is RadioAirplay.com.

So far I like what this site has to offer, when getting indie artists more exposure for their music. To those that already do, and to those that will. I thank you, for keeping me in your prayers as I continue to do God's will through his music!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Monday, November 25, 2013

National Parfait Day...

Today was national parfait day... I have had this dessert in the past from McDonalds , but never knew that there was a national day for it. So what exactly is a parfait you ask? It's a dessert that's served layered with your choice of fruit, yogurt, etc.

Doing a quick search online will surely give great recipe ideas on how to make these at home. Some people prefer this dessert served a little frozen,though some do not. Parfait in French also means "perfect". I learned a little something new today!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Perilous Times...

Our bible study teaching this Sunday was about perilous times, and how we as people must stay watchful and prepared for the Lords imminent return.

No, no one knows when our Lord shall come again, even the angels of heaven do not know, but when he does, we want to make sure that we were living a life that was Holy and exceptable in his sight!

Matthew 24:42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Saturday, November 23, 2013

In The Midst Of Rushing...

In the midst of rushing we do some of the funniest things that can have us laughing at Our own selves... I remember reaching for my purse one day, and heading straight out the door, to pick up my oldest two kids from school. I noticed that my purse was a little heavier than usual, but I didn't really think anything of it.

So when it came time for me to reach down in my purse, I reached in, and I was right. There was a big bell pepper in my purse. Still to this day I don't remember how that got in there. I know that I was preparing to cook with some bell pepper earlier that day, but how it got from my kitchen to my purse I do not know!!(smiles)

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Friday, November 22, 2013

Time Sure Does Fly...

It seems like just yesterday. I was having morning sickness, and thought it was something I ate. Little did I know my husband and I had our fifth child on the way. A beautiful baby boy, that we were surprised and excited to welcome into our growing family!

Since his birth, almost a year has gone by, and in a few days he will be the big ONE! Time sure does fly, and waits on no one... My baby is growing up, "happy soon to be your birthday Zee" we love you (smiles)!!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Keep The Vision...

Don't let go of the vision God has placed in you. Stand strong and steadfast in the things that God has promised. Don't allow the enemy to pressure you into giving up,for without a vision people perish.

I feel like I'm speaking to a certain someone... God knows just who you are, and by faith I speak continual peace over you in the name of Jesus Christ!!

Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. ~KJV~ Bible

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Establish Great Patience...

Let's not become overwhelmed by the mountains (challenges) that we face in life. Smile as you go forward on the journey. Wait on God to supervise you in doing what you need to do, to get to where you need to be.

I know sometimes we want to push the whole mountain out of the way all at once, because we are tired of looking at it and thinking about it right? Yet it's critical that we must learn patience. Let patience have her own perfect work in you today. Let God guide you and show you how to push your mountains out of the way a little at a time, doing so will establish GREAT patience in you, leaving you content, complete, and free at the arrival of your destination!!

James 1:4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Continue To Speak Life...

Sometimes in life the enemy will try and pressure you into THINKING and SPEAKING negative words over your life. It's in these times that we must fight off negative emotions, and continue to speak the word of God over our lives.

For death and life are in the power of the tongue. The devil knows this, and that's why he tries his best to get us to complain. Words have power, and we want to make sure that we continue to speak life giving words. If you are having or have had a challenging day today, fight to stay positive in your mindset, Continue to speak life !!

Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. ~KJV~ Bible

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.Com

Monday, November 18, 2013

Excited About Reading...

My oldest daughter Dayla, introduced me to this new website that she learned about at school today, called myon.com. A site with access to a large library of digital, downloadable books (E-books) that range from educational, to simply reading for fun,

after viewing the site myself. I see that teachers have a great opportunity, to introduce their students to many new books and facets of reading, for grades pre-K through 12th,and parents get to be involved too, which is great. When you want to keep up with your child's growth of reading!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Happy Sunday...

After a Blessed church service, a trip to ToysRus, and a visit to see family. We are now back home and my husband is doing much better today!

We started "Bubby's" birthday celebration today also, because his actual birth date is during the week, and we took him out today, so that we all could go together as a family.

He got a gift from the store, but has always LOVED helium balloons more than actual toys.He played and wrestled with that balloon so much until he has already burst it, and then the first thing he said was "I want another one"!!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Feeling Sick Saturday...

Today was an "I feel sick" Saturday, spent at home. Our oldest son "P.J." had "popcorn for pops'" at his school on tonight, he and his daddy had planned to go,but Patrick Sr. has not been feeling well, due to a cold for the past couple days, now an earache that just started today.

I'm praying that he gets well soon though. I don't like to see my husband sick. When he is well he is usually very upbeat,but when he is sick I can totally tell the difference,he just lays around the house more quiet than normally. My babies have been hit with it too, but they are doing much better now. I'm the only one who has not gotten sick, I hope it stays that way!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Sound Of A Washing Machine...

As my children were getting ready for bed one night this week. My oldest son "P.J." comes up to me and asked would I turn on the washing machine while he drifts off to sleep. At first I was like oooookay???

Then he explained that hearing the sound of the washing machine had a soothing sound that made him feel sleepy.Then it dawned on me that when a lot of us were children we probably had these same "soothing moments" too, that we still remember as adults.
My husband said his was the memory of his mom sweeping, the sound of broom bristles sweeping across the floor,and mines was hearing my parents talking. while I would be drifting off to sleep some nights, they would still be up talking, and I enjoyed hearing the soothing sound of my dad's voice. That's probably why he can get his grand babies to go to sleep when no one else can!(smiles). I love my family and I thank God for those precious memories!!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Big Crumbs Savings...

Today I was thinking about purchasing items from a website, that I signed up to about four years ago called Big Crumbs.I had never brought anything from the site, actually forgot about it but came across it again today, to find that it's still thriving. Which reminded me of why I signed up in the first place, I remember two benefits that they offer.

One is that you get a commission if others sign up for free through your referral link,and two was if I shopped there,I would get a percentage of cash back, when I make purchases that I normally make at my local stores anyway. Soooo I'm thinking to myself, yeah the local stores don't usually give cash back for shopping ,or commission for referring others to their store, but this site Big Crumbs does, it's a pretty neat way to save, earn, and help others if they like the concept!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Birthday Is Coming...

"Mama my birthday is coming" shouts my son "bubby"! His birthday is almost here, and he is so excited. He has been wanting to go to Toys R Us every Since "Chazzy" celebrated her birthday last month.

I signed them up a few years ago to the Toys R Us birthday club for kids under the age of eleven, and like clock work all my kids will get a gift card in the mail,

take it to the store and then get their crown, helium balloon, and gift. Sometimes kids also get a "happy birthday" phone call from the store's mascot Geoffrey the giraffe, then an in store greeting and happy birthday song. Last month this was part of "chazzy's" birthday celebration, boy was she excited too !!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Oh Happy Day...

Earlier today I posted a video of our oldest son P.J. singing "oh happy day. He sings this song all the time.The video footage can be found on our website. Keep singing son, God is continuing to develop a beautiful gift in you (smiles)!!

~Latresha~ @BlessedDirection.com


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